Tag: QuickBooks Premier

“Say Cheese!” – QB Company Snapshot

Find this useful QuickBooks feature by clicking the tab called Reports> Company Snapshot.  It shows the company’s Money-In, Money-Out and Overall Performance, at a glance. Based upon selected dates and displayed using graphical visuals, find your ‘Top 5’  Income Accounts located in the top-left box, and in the top-right, your Expenses.  ‘Drill down’ into the specifics by…

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What is Progress Invoicing in QuickBooks?

What is progress invoicing? (Activation Steps Below) “Progress invoicing, also called progress billing or partial billing, is invoicing from an estimate in stages instead of for the full amount. However, you can invoice for the full amount when using progress invoicing.  Using progress invoicing, you can link progress to estimates that will be included in…

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PFI Coach – TIP! Job Costing in QuickBooks

Did you know QuickBooks has sample companies?  Pick one, similar to your own to see how the costs are set-up, then practice.  When it comes time to actually set-up your own business, “start by creating a simple job cost framework and allow your company to ‘grow into it’” – Chris McGee.  Accurate job costing – the accounting…

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